Portuguese Passport for Goans - Calling Portugal

on Sunday, July 19, 2009

Calling Portugal can be expensive and than if the calls goes to a voice mail you end up paying the connection charge. The contact information for Conservatoria are mentioned below and how to send a free fax to Portugal.

This post will cover on how to make a free call to Portugal to talk to your lawyer or the Conservatoria

We can make a free call to Portugal by using Yahoo Voice on Yahoo messenger. Log into your yahoo messenger, on you left hand side you will find a tab “messenger” click on this tab go to “Preferences” and change your country to USA. Once you have done this click on the tab “Actions” and scroll down to “Call a computer” . Now dial this number “1-800-373-3411” where your cursor halts and hit “Enter” on your keyboard Yahoo will start dialing the number for you. You will hear an ad following by a voice recording about different options in the end you also hear “Free Call”. Say “Free Call” in your microphone there will be another voice recording and then it will ask to dial the phone number. Now you will be connected to the dialed phone number and it is completely free. You may make as many calls as you wish and they are completely free.

You can also use Skype, Gizmo, ………… to make this call.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for passing this knowledge of making free call to mobile or landline absolutely free, it really works well, even though it’s for 5 min, every time 5 min gets over , I retry. It really works well. Hope people reading this take full advantage of this facility

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